Lusatian MOSAIK get-together with buying and selling

In the town of Drebkau near Cottbus, MOSAIK friends from Lusatia invite you to a get-together.

Every visitor receives a small (MOSAIK) surprise as a welcome gift. Colouring sheets from the Abrafaxe series are available for young visitors. A reading corner with original Abrafaxe and Digedag booklets and books invites visitors to browse and reminisce.

Several dealers will have both the Digedags and the Abrafaxe books and issues on sale. Guests can offer MOSAIK collections for sale and have them valued free of charge.

Two fan clubs will also be taking part in this 2nd edition: The Mosa.X fan club from Dresden and the Berlin Mosaik Connection from Berlin. Both will have new publications in tow.

Admission is free. Catering will be provided on site.

WHEN? Saturday, 25 May 2024
WHERE? derBahnhof, Bahnhofstraße 3, 03116 Drebkau